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Creating Your First Blog

Creating Your Blog
Go to Blogger home page ( sign in with a google account (create one if you don't have already)

Now you have to Signup for Blogger. Once you complete this process, you'll be able to log in to Blogger using your Google account email and password.

Once you fill up the sign up info, you’ll have to create your blog, by selecting a title and Blog address (URL), (you’ll have to check for availability of the url first)

Suppose you chose “myfirstwebhome” so your blog URl will be

Once you select an available url. You’ll have to pick a template for your blog, a template is a predesigned combination of page layout, colors, and fonts. You can always change it later and your blog contents and posts will not be lost. So don’t worry about it much, choose any template and experiment with it later.

After you make your choice, click the Continue button. And hurray your blog is created.

To publish your first post, click on Start Blogging

Now type the Title, Content and labels for your post and click on Publish Post and you are done with your first post.

To view your blog type the url you had created earlier. For e.g.
All the best , Happy blogging.

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