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Do Follow Blogging

What is Do Follow?

Do Follow is an action or a step a blogger initiates to remove the attribute rel=”nofollow” in its blog codes or HTML template either manually or if using Wordpress, via a plugin.

Blogs that have the ‘no follow’ link disabled/removed from the comments, means that if you comment on these sites, you will get an actual link which will help your popularity and importance in searches and may eventually increase your page rank.

In simpler terms, it means that you care for your readers. You're rewarding them with a link back to your site every time they visit and comment on your blog. It is helping each other build a sense of community within bloggers.

This group is open to all blog catalog bloggers who took a stand to remove the rel=no follow tag created by Google (and followed by other search engines).

If you don't remove the rel=no follow tag on your blog code, it means that every time someone leaves a comment on your site, the link stays there. It will not be crawled by Google or any other search engines. It will be ignored by them hence will not help in ranking the importance of that page. If you wrote a very helpful article and you got traffic and people commented on it yet you did not remove the rel=no follow, Google will simply ignore those comments which could have helped increased the ranking of that particular page.

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